
Do you want to join the hunt, but do not quite know where to start? We can offer hunting trips for you with little experience, or advice and guidance for you with experience.

Statskog offer hunting for grouse and forest birds in Hattfjelldal. On their land it is also possible to hunt other species such as. brood, ducks, goose and thrush. Hunting for grouse and forest birds have traditionally been in great demand. The hunting grounds are located in the forest and up towards the high mountains and barren mountains. Hunters can choose between easily accessible hunting near the road or more wilderness-like hunting with several hours of walking into the hunting ground.

Statskog offer hunting for grouse and forest birds in Hattfjelldal. On their land it is also possible to hunt other species such as. brood, ducks, goose and thrush. Hunting for grouse and forest birds have traditionally been in great demand. 

Statskog SF has a hunting ground in Hattfjelldal. The hunting grounds are located in the forest and up towards the high mountains and barren mountains. Hunters can choose between easily accessible hunting near the road or more wilderness-like hunting with several hours of walking into the hunting ground.




In their area it is also possible to hunt other species such as. brood, ducks, goose and thrush. In their area it is also possible to hunt other species such as. brood, ducks, goose and thrush.  Hunting for grouse and forest birds have traditionally been in great demand.


Statskog is a significant provider of grouse hunting. We have large areas in Hattfjelldal, but we also have good hunting areas in Grane, Vefsn and Hemnes. These are available within 1 hour drive from Hattfjelldal hotel.

Rypejakta er «folkejakta» i Norge. Det er opp mot 50.000 jegere som oppgir at de jakter ryper hvert år. Lirypejakt med hund har blitt veldig populært.

Statskog also offers good terrain for hunting mountain grouse


The season lasts from September 10 to February 28.



Hunting for forest birds

Statskog forvalter store skogområder egnet for skogsfugljakt. Gode skogsfuglterreng er ofte rene barskog-områder. Det som mange omtaler som «trollskog», er attraktiv skog for skogsfugljakt.

Capercaillie hunting is an exciting and demanding form of hunting as they are shy and are masters at evasion. It is quite the accomplishment to shoot a wood grouse!

(Capercaillie is a collective term for: wood grouse, wood grouse (female), black grouse, Black grouse (female) and Hazel Grouse)




Statskog SF has a hunting ground in Hattfjelldal. The hunting grounds are located in the forest and up towards the high mountains and barren mountains. Hunters can choose between easily accessible hunting near the road or more wilderness-like hunting with several hours' walk to the hunting ground.


Ordinary moose hunting is based on hunting teams, applications and draws. Many hunting grounds are divided into periods, both to provide more hunters / hunting teams, but also to ensure that a sufficient number of animals are killed.

There is a lot of competition to hunt moose on state land. On average, three to four times as many applications are received than Statskog offers.